Have you noticed that many more atheists will say God doesn't exist than Christians say that God does exist.?

Just look at answers to questions. "Gods aren't real", "people invented gods", "gods are nonsense". all positive statements made without proof, i.e. beliefs.


Umm. No. Their entire religion is based upon that one fact. If you think atheists are making more claims than christians, you have your head up your ***. Most of us know better than to make such claims because of the burden of proof.

Also, if you asked them to elaborate, I'm sure there'd be very good explanations behind their 'claims'. Especially when it's painfully obvious that the gods of old were created by old societies. The creator of the universe shouldn't give a **** what material is in my clothes, or whether or not i eat pork. It's a ridiculous concept.


Right. I have noticed that over the years. Yet many Christians continue to believe that God wants everyone to be saved, when there is bountiful scriptural evidence which suggests he doesn't.

So look at this parable, if I can call it that, and ask yourself, "why is it a matter of rejoicing?"

Galatians 4
27 For it is written:

“Be glad, barren woman,
you who never bore a child;
shout for joy and cry aloud,
you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband.”

And if God loved the whole world, then why wouldn't he pray for the whole world? It would seem counter productive if he was really trying to save it all, wouldn't it?

John 17
9 "I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours."

I'M NOT saying that the Bible contradicts itself on this matter. I'm saying that traditional renderings of scripture are false. God wants those he selected "from before the world was formed" (Ephesians 1:4-5), and only those people are given the ability, so they MIGHT be saved (they could still refuse or quit).


The only way there could be any truth to that is because atheists answer xian 'questions' containing assurances that god things are real.
We just disagree with you.

If you and your people didn't go to such extraordinary lengths to try to convince me and my people that all that imaginary little space chappie stuff was anything more than primitive superstition, you and your people would probably never hear from me and my people...
Just saying ;)



Yes, it's really annoying. I'm not a Christian but a soldier of Odin. They feel the need to see proof or evidence or they don't believe it. They are just really depressing.

Maurog IV2014-10-26T07:31:04Z

I also see more people saying Santa doesn't exist than people saying Santa does exist.

What does that mean?

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