What is a good career path for someone with these traits?

I am only a freshman in college, but I want to register for some spring classes that could help me experience some possible career paths.

Currently, I am enrolled in a pre-medical program. But I absolutely hate it, and I don't think I want to do all of this biology, chemistry, etc. and then go to med school and residency. I also don't want to wait until I'm 30 to settle down.

Here are some things about me that may help.
--I love working with, helping, and guiding people.
--I adore children.
--I am very independent and want to be able to do my own thing.
--I don't like routine, but at the same time I love organizing and being in control of things.
--I love being looked up to and leading others.
--I love new experiences and I hate monotony. I like excitement and new things.
--I like attention, but it's not the most important thing.

Thanks so much for any help!


You sound like you would do well in marketing so that's what I would suggest. It would be advisable to major in marketing along with a minor in a specific field, like IT or finance or pharmacy or engineering. It's not necessary, but a good way to make you stand out of the many marketing graduates


Social worker

Cynthia K.2014-10-26T20:55:31Z

Teacher, speech pathologist, therapist