Rossi match pair pistol 410 bore/45LC and 22LR...?
I traded my Ruger Standard and some cash for this pistol for carrying while deer hunting for rabbits and squirrels (410 or .22lr) and such, and perhaps using during alternate methods deer season (Leverevolution 45LC FTX). I have even seen videos of the very similar T/C contender in 410 bore used for turkey hunting.
If you're happy, then good. Everyone has different tastes, and you're just inviting negative opinions on here by posting this non-question.
PS- Skip the Leverevolution rounds and get some good hunting ammo like Underwood makes. Hard cast lead bullets loaded a bit hot would be good for this pistol for hunting deer.
I wouldn't do it, but if that's what you like, well... Go for it.
Just remember that a Rossi Matched Pair isn't a T/C Contender. Far from it. And I'm saying that as someone who is, by and large, a fan of Rossi.
Seems like that gun would just be overly bulky for an "extra" hunting gun. I'd rather just carry a shotgun for all-purpose hunting, or else only plan on hunting one thing at a time.
RE: Rossi match pair pistol 410 bore/45LC and 22LR...? I traded my Ruger Standard and some cash for this pistol for carrying while deer hunting for rabbits and squirrels (410 or .22lr) and such, and perhaps using during alternate methods deer season (Leverevolution 45LC FTX). I have even seen videos of the very similar T/C contender in 410 bore used...