do jw's keep dogs inside their homes? Just curious, because I've heard they consider it demonic.?

Roberta B2014-10-27T11:31:47Z

Sorry, you are a victim of yet another unfounded rumor meant to disparage Jehovah's witnesses. Some may have dogs, some may not, and some may keep them in their homes, and some may not. Just like everyone else. It has nothing to do with Jehovah's witnesses' Biblical teaching about demons.


Dogs as demons? Funny. You got that from a TV . Promo I saw too. Ridiculous fantasy to get viewers hooked. I do not even remember the program. It had such little effect.

No. I personally do not want inside dogs. They smell, tear up things and dirty up the place. I am the only one taking that jib!

Now other JWs do, just as non JWs so. That has nothing to do with religions. Sanity maybe, but that is a prejudice of mine. As long as I am in their homes and never have to clean up, I enjoy petting and playing with the dogs. As long as I can give them back when done.

Pets have nothing to do with religion. Except fir snakes in a few religions. Gifts of healing died out with the last disciples if Jesus at the end of the 1st century. Putting God to the test by purposely handling or be bitten is forbidden by God. Question: Are such snakes considered pets? I am just assuming so.


Apostates are like dogs returning to their vomit-that what you mean ?

After learning Bible truths, how tragic it would be if one regressed to false worship! The Bible describes the sad consequences of such a course when it says: “Certainly if, after having escaped from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, the final conditions have become worse for them than the first. . . . The saying of the true proverb has happened to them: ‘The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.’”—2 Peter 2:20-22.


Most of the time they leave them outside. But when the dogs scratch on the door because they want to come in? That's funny, in an ironic way.


I don't know, but people who leave their canine companions at the mercy of the elements don't deserve a canine companion in the first place.

Lordy, lordy, I hope Toke doesn't see this. She'll beat me up hahaha =)

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