Atheists, do you wish there was a personal God who could know your thoughts and answer prayers?


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No. Actually, the feeling that someone was monitoring my thoughts was one of the things that made me most uncomfortable when I was a believer, and one of the biggest reasons why I was glad that I became an atheist.


Know my thoughs? No. But Answer my prayers? Yes. Too bad because I also want there to be a magical carpet I can use to fly but unfortunetely It's just fiction. I'm grateful for what I have and thankful for everything so it doesn't matter to much I have freedom.


No. I find that thought kind of pervy.

Like having an super-stalker.


You mean, like my own, personal, Jesus?

Someone to hear my prayers?

Someone who cares?


Yes, but I understand there is no such thing. I have to be an adult and fend for myself.

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