Is anyone surprised about hyper-Christian congressman Paul Broun?


He's the Georgia congressman famous for claiming "evolution is just lies from the pit of hell". He's now in trouble for ethics violations stemming from unauthorized use of taxpayer money.



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Christians think they can break any law with impunity.
They think god will forgive them.
Happily we have real laws to keep them in check.
Christians are a fraud to begin with, so that is no surprise he tried something fraudulent.
He follows the preacher's example.


When someone thinks they are doing God's work they can self-justify anything including atrocities. This is relatively low level compared to what could happen when someone sees themselves as an instrument of god.


No. The problem with Christians is that they think they are more moral than non-Christians when they are just the same as everyone else. There are bad people in every political affiliation, every race, every gender, every religion, etc. Just as there are good.


The irony being
A strong denial by him
Would prove him guilty.

Haiku, in honour of CrazyGuy


The only thing surprising is that he is in politics. Real Christians do not engage in politics, as Jesus said that his followers are not to be of the world.

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