A "Jehovah" Witness said, I don't vote because I'm a "Jehovah" Witness.... so?


They conveniently use scripture to perform impressive mental gymnastics in order to arrive at the conclusion they want to believe or are told to believe.

Since the bible makes it clear that ".. there is no authority except that which God has established." it means God's in control and if the government is evil or demonic then it's God that let it be so. This means if you're going to try to use the bible to say we shouldn't vote then you have to fall back on the fact that God's in control and we don't need to do anything. Oh but then that's a problem because God tells us to "preach the gospel", "heal the sick", "fight injustice" (not sure how you do that without voting or influencing voting), "comfort those who mourn", "help the weak" etc.

Incidentally noticed how JWs only do any of this for their own running contrary to luke 6:32.
Then there's Is 13:11 .."I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant"
Oh and Mt 7:!6 "By their fruit you will recognize them." JW = doorstep hatred, pedophiles, no help in society and so much more.

Funny how that awesome divinely inspired book sheds light in the dark areas of JW perhaps because Je 5:21 fits them "Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see,who have ears but do not hear:"

Scarborough Fair2014-11-02T08:26:05Z

They do not vote or participate in government in sny way. They do not stand for the flag pledge. This makes the JW children really stand out when they sit while all the other children stand. They don't celebrate birthdays or holidays because pagans did that. They try not to do anything pagans did. I am pretty sure pagans ate and slept.


Because some Jehovah Witness believe that the Government is under demonic control
Satan is the ruler of the world and it’s governments, so Jehovah’s Witnesses are not allowed to directly participate in politics or to serve in the military. Doing so would be like joining Satan himself.


I don't vote either. Politicians are all corrupt. Let the dead elect the dead.