Rock & Pop- R&P reg roll call................?

Who are the new regs here? Are any old regs still here? Any 2012-13 regs?
Just trying to get a grasp of how this place is holding up.

BQ- Anything notable happen in the past 10 or so months? Any feuds or e-beefs still happening?


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I think that the new regs here are The & The Sad Eyed Lady of New Zealand. The old regs that are still here are me, Hurricain, H2SO4, Darth Revan 1973 & David V. I have to agree with Vamperv Hermit, sadly; this place is dead now. A lot of regs have basically disappeared from R&P.

BQ: Death to Injustices' never-ending hatred of pop punk is the only notable thing that has happened in the past 10 months.


Hey braxton :) I'm just here because Vamperv (lol) linked me. I think it's officially dead in here. We need to whip up some beefs!!

Purple Haze2014-11-02T19:56:57Z

I'm sorta here, I hate this place lol.

everybody left that I know of beside Brandon and he is only here sometimes.

BQ - no e-beefs, all those guys left long ago, only the boring ones remained.


I pop in once in a while, usually this is a mistake as this places sucks äss now.


Hi, Grimm? It's super dead now. Everybody moved onto other categories.

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