what do you do if you have ongoing pain, but your doctor refuses to refer you to a specialist?

I've been to my doctor twice about restless leg syndrome so severe, my legs, especially the left one, jerks and kicks uncontrollably all night long making rest, let alone sleep impossible. I am now experiencing severe pain and stiffness from the waist down.

But my doctor refuses to refer me to a specialist.

Are doctors allowed to do that? What can I do to get the help I need. I have a history of cancer and tumors


Favorite Answer

Go to a different doctor for a second opinion.


Maybe you should change your primary doctor or go see another doctor. If you are in the U.S. and your insurance is a PPO, then I think you can see a specialist without a referral. If it's an HMO you are at the mercy of your primary care physician and they decide if you get to see a specialist.