How to make a matrix from four looping variables in MATLAB?
I want to create an F matrix with four components: F11, F12, F21, and F22
F11...F22 are variables being created from a for loop
that is, for i=1:240 F11(i)=i + 1
and so on
Now, I want to create a separate matrix for each one of these four variables at each iteration of x
that is
all the way up to
I can't figure it out, i keep getting a single F matrix that sums all the values up, which is what i don't want. Help?
Favorite Answer
I'm guessing you'll want a three-dimensional array, where each "layer" contains the matrix [F11 F12 ; F21 F22] for that time slot. Assuming you already have row vectors for F11, F12, etc, you could build this with a for loop:
F = zeros(2, 2, length(F11)); % Always remember to preallocate for k = 1:length(F11) F(:, :, k) = [F11(k) F12(k) ; F21(k) F22(k)]; end
Although it would be more efficient to just reshape your row vectors and put them in place:
And even more efficient to have just built the array F rather than building F11, ect first. Now you would access each layer in the third index F(:, :, 25) is [F11(25) F12(25) ; F21(25) F22(25)].
Or, maybe you want to use a cell array instead. That is less space efficient, but maybe is easier to look at?
F = cell(length(F11), 1); % Always remember to preallocate for k = 1:length(F11) F{k} = [F11(k) F12(k) ; F21(k) F22(k)]; end
And now you would access each layer with F{k}. Note the curly braces. That is important.