Do you think it's worth an extra $130 to upgrade to stainless?

Rossi RioGrande blued $370, SS $500, in 30/30.


Feel free to opine on the Rio Grande as well. Or 30/30 for that matter :)


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Well for whatever reason my skin oils and sweat are high in salt and will rust unprotected steel suprisingly fast. Being in the knife business I learned this a long time ago. So I often will spring for stainless. However if the bluing is done well that will also provide some protection for the steel.

If it were going to be a back of the truck sort of carbine I'd get stainless, if it were going to be a saddle gun on a ranch, I'd get stainless. If it's a hunting gun where you can wipe it down at the end of the day, I'd get blue because it has less glare and to me looks nicer.



I don't have any stainless guns. And as long as I care for my guns properly, I never have any problems with rust.

So unless you just like the look of stainless better, I don't see a point in spending the extra money.


Id take 350 and buy a beater 94 or 336.

Lime Green Medic2014-11-15T01:18:24Z

Absolutely. Although I'd get mine in .357 Magnum.


Not to me...I don't have or need any stainless. If you like them, then buy it. (don't need a 30/30, either. )

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