My parents got me a 3DS for Christmas last year and I hardly use it. I don't mean to be ungrateful, I just haven't found many games that sound interesting to me.
Now It's time to think about gifts for this year, and once again I don't have any clue what I want for Christmas. So, I figured I could pick out a couple of games for the 3DS, see if I can finally get some use out of last years gift.
The video games I've enjoyed playing(on gamecube, wii, DS, 3DS) are the Pikmin games, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Mario games, Kirby games, the LEGO video games, Scribblenauts, and Sims games. And on the Playstation console, Spyro and Sly Cooper were my absolute favorites when I was younger!
The one game I've found that I am planning on getting when it comes out is Citizens of Earth, but it will not be released until January 20, 2015.
So, I don't know if any of this information is helpful, but I'm looking for as many recommendations as possible. Preferably that are somewhat similar to at least one of the games I've enjoyed in the past.
Favorite Answer
If you like Pokemon, there are two new games (gen3 remakes) coming out next week.
If you like JRPGs, you might like Fantasy Life, which is already out. It looks like it has some aspects from Animal Crossing along with a single-player MMO-like gameplay where you switch back and forth between 12 or 13 characters to level them up, get materials for another character to tailer/smith into items for the warrior/mages to use, etc.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf which IMO is the best AC, Super Mario 3D Land, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Zelda: Link Between Worlds Fire Emblem: Awakening Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby (which come out on the 21th of this month)
and if you're a bit into action games, give Smash Bros. For 3DS and Kid Icarus Uprising (if you're right handed or have a circle pad pro, only needed for Kid Icarus) a shot.
If you already have a Wii U tough, buy Super Mario 3D World (for Wii U) over 3D Land (for 3DS) as it is a more fun, superior version with twice the content and 4-player coop.
I would recommend Super Mario 3D Land.If you like Zelda,I recommend The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time 3D or The Legend of Zelda:A Link Between worlds,if you like old games,Head to Nintendo Eshop for some great classics.If you like some epic Pokemon (XD) Then I would recomend Pokemon X or Y,they did come out in 2013 but are pretty good.Now if you want some new Pokemon I would buy Pokemon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire,which comes out on the 21st of November.Fantasy Life is a great game because it has very nice gameplay.If you don't have it,I would get Animal Crossing New Leaf.If Super Smash bros is more your cup of tea,I would get that.Great fighting with classic Nintendo Characters and some 3rd Party Characters (cough cough Sonic cough cough)
I hope you like these recommendations.If you happen to buy some of these games,I hope you have a lot of fun,by that way Merry Christmas! (I'm to early but who cares)
Give Pokemon a try. It's childish (I'm 30), but a good game. You may also enjoy Harvest Moon and Zelda. You could always ask your parents to preorder Citizens of Earth. They can pay the whole thing off, then all you would have to do is pick it up on the release date with the receipt. If you like puzzles, there are many. Brain Age is old but a good one. Got it for my father many years ago and he still plays it. Try you can read reviews about any game you want. You can even search by console and genre. Plus walkthroughs, cheats, and all that jazz. I believe they even give recommendations for games like the ones you already like.
The Pokemon games are great for anyone. I don't tend to play any RPGs but the Pokemon games are an exception. Even ones like Diamond and Pearl are still great to this day! Also Mario Kart is fantastic especially when you are playing with someone else wirelessly!