How to work with a hectic schedule?

I'm 16 and a junior in high school. With AP classes, clubs ( and being a cabinet member/ co-founder of one) and an extracurricular that will take up all free time (starts in a few weeks), I sometimes (actually, most times) forget to eat. I carry a granola and/or protein bar (Luna, zone, or balance, not the hardcore stuff) so I can at least eat something, but the fact that I'm not sitting down long enough to even remember I have it (or I'm sitting too long to even remember to get up because of homework). I used to just eat in some classes so I would have something, but it's now been limited to a little nibble in fourth period, right before lunch. How can work around my hectic schedule. I'll show you what it is now, and will be in a few weeks

Monday-Tuesday: cabinet meeting/ club meeting (all of lunch)
Wednesday-mock trial (all of lunch) after school colorguard practice
Thursday-semi free day, but lately another cabinet meeting
Friday-community service club meeting, then straight to mock trial after school colorguard practice.
And I'm normally up until about midnight doing homework
Any advice? I'm not dropping any of these.

Katherine W2014-11-16T11:34:15Z

Set an alarm on your watch or phone to remind you to eat. And take a few minutes in the morning to pack an actual lunch. Take your cues from other people, too. Surely your mock trial classmates are eating while working together.