What does it take to be an atheist today?

For many centuries profound ignorance caused virtually all adults to adopt theism
as their way of understanding their world.

But it is 2014 now, and all truly thoughtful people accept what our finest scientific
minds have discovered on our behalf. Physicists and cosmologists explain that a
fluctuation in space/time - which is commonly called the big bang - occurred 13.8
billion years ago, producing our  universe and everything in it. 

Of course for most people this scientifically proven description of what brought the 
universe into being cannot compete with the theist explanation. It provides no 
comfort that a loving god is watching over each of us. It provides no assurance 
that we have immortal souls, which will live on through all eternity. 

It is perfectly understandable that given the choice between the reassuring 
fantasies of theism and the bleak truth of atheism, the great majority of adults 
choose the more attractive explanation.  This holds true for individuals of low and
average I.Q's and even a minority of really bright people.

Clearly, one need not be only intelligent to embrace atheism. One must be a courageous 
realist as well. Perhaps 20% of us measure up to these requirements. For the rest theism
provides a good substitute for the truth.


When the truth hurts, many will choose to deny it.