Commercial spoof?

I have a small project for my class, I have to make a commercial spoof. Could you please name a commercial that is easy to make fun of it?
I am using one camera, and I'll be doing the acting, voiceover and the editing.
Your help is appreciated
Thank you

B K2014-11-24T02:06:28Z

How about an ad for the world's most amazing cool camera that can turn any idiot into a professional photographer, and an ugly model into a beautiful one.


Well, how about an ad utilizing 2 or 3 brands of locks (Stanley lock, Yale lock, American lock, Master Lock, etc), a package of cream cheese and a large bagel... "Try our locks and bagel." That's certain to get someone's attention!


Footlocker's latest with Pacquiao.


A Preparation H music video spoofing Alicia Key's "This girl is on fire" to be "MY a$$ is on fire."


Eggland's best eggs better than all other eggs.

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