Anyone notice how excited Michael Cole was when he heard that IM sound from the anonymous GM?

It was like God shined upon him, he sprung out of his seat so excited and got right back up to his old tricks of being the anonymous GM's flunky lol

April Jeanette #12014-11-24T21:34:13Z

Favorite Answer

Haha, I noticed it too, I even thought Michael Cole might be turning heel for a minute there, I hope he is!

The Ghost Hunter2014-11-25T04:34:15Z

Yeah, He'd enjoy reading the quotes from Anonymous General Manager on Laptop. That's very annoying when, He's running his mouth every single week. He got that Job once again. The Others don't like it at all..

Amy Flower2014-11-24T20:12:34Z

It's the highlight of Michael cole's existence.


AND I QUOTE: oh no not again....