Would some not have the cojones to thumb down answers or report questions if their username was labeled next to the question or answer?


@Teddy: The question I asked is not particularly difficult but you have chosen not to answer my question and instead have chosen to present a distraction(a typical tactic I've seen on Y!A particularly in the R&S section).

An accepted definition of cojones is courage (look up the 2nd definition on dictionary.com)

Again the business of talking about guy and ladies (and the junk comment) are nothing but distractions from the question I asked.


@Teddy: Simply I was asking if people would be so ready to give thumbs down or report questions if their username was displayed next to the answer they thumbed down or the question reported (so that the user that asked the "offending" question or gave the "offending" answer would know who thumbed down their answer or reported their question).

Your comparison of my question to your snarky "I hate broccoli" comment is a false equivalency.


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Some might be that way.
I often (not always) leave a comment when I thumb an answer down - especially if I can point out an obvious error in the answer and hope that the answerer will take the time to verify the error.


Probably many wouldn't thumb others down or report as often, if they didn't have anonymity. A lot of behavior would be very different if people were face to face. They have false courage when they are behind a computer screen.

People do have a right to report abusiveness but they shouldn't run around trying to report people on technicalities or petty stuff.

This site is misused by some who are religious on here. Of course it is misused by many atheists as well. In reading over some of your other questions, of course people aren't supposed to play out issues with others publicly. This site is a question/answer site. Not a soap opera and not a social site either. They should ask a question, people should answer and then move on from there.

If people have misunderstandings and need to straighten something out, they should use emails and if need be block.

People shouldn't be consumed by the antics on here either. They are spending too much time here if that is the case.

The word cojones refers to a male's private parts and although it has taken on a secondary definition, it shouldn't be used. Just like Christmas started out pagan, and has taken on a secular association. It still shouldn't be observed.


A. How much cojones does one need to thumb down a question or report?

B. How is thumbing down or reporting connected to your junk?

C. May I assume, you think only guys need cojones? Like, do the ladies need none?

D. I have no idea what you mean by "username was labeled next to the question or answer."

I'm just lost if cojones means having the guts to thumb someone down. What next? The need for cojones to say, "I hate broccoli?"


In an earlier version of this forum, you could tell who gave you thumbs ups (but not thumbs downs)...it was given in your notifications.

I always liked that.


Everyone born on this earth dies. There is no exception.