Why are there no known gay Nobel prize winners?

I cant think of a single famous gay scientist other than maybe Alan Turing. Does this imply that there is something wrong with the minds of homosexuals? do we tend to be less intelligent? Or do the smart gay people just all flock to the entertainment and fashion industries? And if so, why? I hate fashion and most "entertainment" people.


108 Nobel prize winners in just the last 10 years and not one of them known to be gay. Name one famous gay scientist other than Alan Turing who was really a mathematician.


Oh I thought of one more. Sally Ride. forgot about her... She isn't famous for making any discoveries though.


Because Nobel prize winners are original.

The Shadow2014-11-25T21:20:17Z

Have you considered the possibility that there have been, but they were not open about it? No, it in no way implies that there is anything wrong with the brains of gay people. That's quite a ridiculous logical leap to make, don't you think?


I expect there's lots of gay scientists.

I also expect that most people who spend their lives pursuing careers in that profession would rather devote time to their work, rather than wasting energy to advertise the trivia of their sexual lives to a world that doesn't care


the world is homophobic.