Why do "good cops" tolerate "bad cops?"?

I've known many good, professional, even keel police officers who go out of their way to provide public service. Then there are those fat, unprofessional jack holes who only know to escalate any situation in order to file charges - those who punch mentally disabled people, plant drugs on people, file bogus resisting arrest charges, etc.

Why do the "good guys" allow them to continue? Why are the good cops complicit with dirty pigs?


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There are bullies in life, and being on the force is one way to continue being a bully. A good example is Zimmerman, who dreamed of being a cop.

The good guys aren't in charge. The chief is.


There was cop here who reported his fellow cops for theft. He was labeled Roboknob and after being harassed for a while he had to quit. The cops who were stealing are still on the force. Says a lot.


Many cops are afraid of bad cops.

In many cities though, the good cops do report the bad cops.

Bad cops are arrested or fired every day.


Good cops don't tolerate bad cops. Planting evidence, false arrests, etc are actually quite rare and are very serious offences.


Because it makes the good guys look gooder.

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