7 yr old talks about hearing God & feeling God's touch?
For starters, we are Christian & regularly attend church, just to get that out of the way.
For the last week, my 7 yr old son claims to have encounters with God.
In the car, he could hear God whistle a "happy song", and was genuinely confused that no one else could hear it. We turned off all noise- radio, heater, etc. he could still hear it, we couldn't.
Then he said that God poked him in the side of the head in class, like God was trying to play with him or get his attention.
Then today, God poked him in the leg as if to say "let's run!" (My son's interpretation)
We are honestly scratching our heads on this one. Is this normal 7 yr old hyper-creativity in action, or should we take these encounters more serious?
My husband & I have never personally encountered God in a physical nature before.