My husband hates exercise?

My husband is obese.
24, 5'7" and 250lbs.
He's trying his best to change. He is working on the lifestyle change of the nutrition part of it but there is another issue.
He hates exercising. He's not a lazy guy, he's more of a work a holic type, he's in a trade so he's a big handy man. Enjoys working on cars, hunting, building things etc.
but if he has to set time aside to work out he won't do it, not even for a walk.
I'm an active person and I try to push him to come with me when I go for runs but no luck.
He would rather work out at home than go to the gym, he hates running, doesn't like swimming because he's self conscious, hated insanity, doesn't like the elliptical, doesn't like abdominal work, squats, nothing like that.
He likes the outdoors so I'm thinking we could try snow shoeing,
But what other exercises are out there that he might enjoy?

I know that you might say he just has to suck it up and do it, but I think an important part of making a lifestyle change is finding an exercise that suits you and doesn't necessarily make you not want to do it.

Thanks in advance!


You have him doing female friendly workouts that's why. Get him a squat rack, a bench, and a deadlift Matt and some plates and he'll enjoy it. That's exercise right there and he'll get cut up too. Squats burn more calories than running. If you get him to start weightlifting than just a key sure to watch his macros (what he eats) make sure he's hitting a caloric deficit and drinking at least 8 glasses of water. Get drinks away from him. Simple and all guys love to lift tell him to give it a month before quitting and watch him get hooked on it.


Hiking, camping (not technically exercise but it promotes being active), bike trails.. Instead of thinking 'exercise', think 'fun activities'... things that exercisers and non-exercisers alike both enjoy.


He sounds like the mans man type. Does he watch sports? Perhaps if he were to play a sport with/against other guys who are close enough in ability to not humiliate him and also challenge him at the same time?


Go on hunting trips and walk a lot. Create different building jobs for him to do. Work with him and help him. Encourage him and motivate him. If worse comes to worse black mail him!(: