why does my Dr. know all physicians i have seen in the past? the medication i was prescribed was listed as well. no privacy? HIPPA?


In most cases, your medical history will follow you to all doctor's. The privacy acts apply to what a doctor's office can share with people who are NOT another doctor. This helps prevent one doctor from prescribing you something that would interact with something that another doctor has prescribed.

It is also a way to catch the people who are "drug seeking". (you know, going from doctor to doctor to get pain meds that they don't really need just because they want to get high on them.)


Your recent " past" is all on computer, and any doctor you see has access to your medical history, including all tests, procedures and doctor visits.
This is not a HIPAA violation.

Harley Drive2014-12-07T00:10:30Z

it;s essential that any doctor treating you can see your medical history so mistakes and wrong drugs can be avoided

