Have you just gotten older or have you grown up?


While we all get older, many of us never grow up.

Do you understand that religious faith is for children, who need to believe in a god, who watches over them, and in a heaven, where their grandparents went to, when they died?

What happens to perhaps one in five people upon reaching their teen years, is that they develop a more sophisticated understanding of life, and they see how unconvincing the message of religious faith actually is. For them Christianity becomes a 2000 year old fantasy, which they can no longer accept as believable.

These are the atheists who believers are often heard complaining about. What many of the faithful fail to understand is that about one in five people mature in a way that you never will.

What believers need to do is to ***retain their beliefs in a loving god and an eternal soul***, while allowing the grown-ups to reject their notions and to have ideas of their own.

Not insisting that everyone else agree with you about a Creator is a form of "Live and let live".
Try it. You'll grow to like it.

You see, we atheists don't threaten you. We simply take a different view of things.

Skoda John2014-12-08T07:07:19Z

Just got older and the toys have got bigger!


both but not everyone matures emotionally