I cant have a house and it makes me sad I worked so hard my whole life just so people can say I cant have a home how mean?

Signature Premier2014-12-15T00:07:37Z

Your decision to buy a home will be one of the biggest financial transactions of your life. Therefore, it should be thought out well in advance, not just based on emotion and never to be taken lightly.Talk with a real estate agent to help you find your ideal home/

Geoff B2014-12-10T10:40:06Z

Homes have to be worked for, I have worked hard and got one


What in the world are you saying? Do you have income? Do you have money saved up to purchase a home? Have you taken English classes to learn basic grammar?


No one said you can't own your own home. You just need to meet the requirements for a bank loan.

Deadpool: The Guy That You All Love So Dearly2014-12-11T01:16:47Z

Thast tough

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