which do you prefer, dogs, or cats?

And why?


Favorite Answer

Cats. No contest. Cats treat your guests politely. Cats smell better than dogs. Cats are funnier than dogs -- even if the cats don't know it. Even the loudest cat is quieter than any dog. Cats are a natural insect repellent. Cats don't need to be walked. Cats and Laser Pointers: Entertainment Tonight (Tomorrow, or Anytime). Cats purr when they're hungry or happy. Purrfection.




Dogs. They're more in tune to humans than cats are. Dogs were bred for thousands of years selectively to live near us and to serve us and follow commands. They've grown to be very perceptive when it comes to our moods and emotions. Cats were only domesticated to be pets, not to be our partners and friends.
Don't get me wrong, cats make excellent companions for the right people. I just don't like their independent nature, and out of the cats Ive owned I never developed a bond with any of them, as hard as I tried. My dogs? They're family. When one dies I go into a depression for months.


My fave is dogs cause they've got such great character &can go walks &most places visiting people with u , I like cats as well but alot of them are more independent like if they don't want a cuddle u won't get one where a dog will always come to u for a cuddle.


Dogs. I don't like cats as much because they are more...I don't know. They seem like they're less social than dogs, play less, and don't have as great a bond or loyalty to their owners.

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