My baby is 9 weeks aka 2 months and has starting drooling a lot likes to suck on her fist more and is very cranky hardly napping. Can she be teething already? And if so how can I help her and her to stop being so fussy. First baby.
Favorite Answer
Teething pains can start a couple of months before the first tooth erupts, and although most babies get their first tooth around 6 months, some get first teeth sooner. You can help baby soothe teething pains by offering her things to chew on like teething rings, cool wash cloths, etc.
It's also possible that she's going through a big developmental leap and that's the reason she's crankier and fussier than usual. Google "wonder weeks." My son didn't always match up with the calendar, but he's definitely had "stormy" phases followed by "sunny" ones. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it but try to be comforting while you wait the phase out. If your baby was previously cheerful and a good napper, she will most likely return to her cheerful, good-napper state within a couple of weeks (or less).