Did someone let the dogs out?
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It has been my experience that if you aren't a full blown Marxist, you are a racist. When you can't win an argument on its merits, they have to resort to insults. I saw on the news that black puppies were having a hard time getting adopted and the journalist couldn't help but bring up black children as a comparison.
OMG! Coal is black and we burn it! What kind of message is that giving to our children?
Surely, to be racist you would need to condone hurting black things while helping white things. Oh no, I feel so guilty about protecting the Polar Bears now. I can't live with myself.
Let's cut the nonsense. Politics works by building alliances and swaying power bases. This is why people infiltrate environmental organisations and try to enlist existing, organised, groups. They tried the "poor" (less developed world) card. The gender card is always good as is the children card. The race card has now been played.
No science anywhere in sight.
Funny since the primary policy to combat global warming is to have black and brown skinned people live in poverty so the whites can enjoy the CO2 they have been emitting for hundreds of years.
Hmm lowest of the low, when you have to resort to claims of racism to promote climate change policies.
It seems they will use anything to forward totalarianism.
Shouldn't all greenies be embarrassed with stunts like this? Isn't SOLIDARITY one of those buzz words for communism? We know who those ilk are.