How to convert HTML file(I have on Wordpad) to an ACTUAL WEBSITE???(w/OUT relying on other web hosts)?
Not wordpad I meant notebook HOw can I get a domain without using some other webserver?
Not wordpad I meant notebook HOw can I get a domain without using some other webserver?
How to convert HTML file(I have on Wordpad) to an ACTUAL WEBSITE???(w/OUT relying on other web hosts)?
You don't need to rely on web hosts. If you have one properly made HTML file, then you already have one web page. To make a website, you have to make more web pages, and combine them all together on your computer.
Update : Not wordpad I meant notebook HOw can I get a domain without using some other webserver?
If you want to get a domain, then you have to register it from a domain name registrar. After you get a domain, then you have to choose who will host your website, and how you want your website hosted.
You set up a webserver on your computer and access it by typing your ip address into a web brouser.
there are a few out there webserver software. you need to keep your pc on there is a limit to the upload your isp provides you this the main reason they cut in half your broad band service upload from your download. when you serve a page its an up load from the server. you can use a light webserver on your isp they don't want heavy use or resale of server space use kind of thing no business for hosting . but a personal limited webserver is ok. if you get a lot of traffic your server will be real slow because of the bandwidth limitations as well as trying to serve media over the net through it will be real laggy and slow ....
You can't. If you want your page online then you have to pay for a web server and a domain name. Most agreements with ISPs forbid their residential users from running servers. So you would have to get a business account with your ISP if you wanted to host yourself but that would probably cost more than just buying a domain name and renting space somewhere.
Don't use a word processor like Wordpad. Use Notepad, Notepad++ and others text editor. You need to learn what is website and UNIX before you jumped into this issue.
wordpad is NOT what you use to write an .html file. use notepad or preferably notepad++ with tag completion turned on or if you need WYSIWYG, version 8b3
a web site consists of pages with links that is hosted by a web server. it can be a local server or it can be paid or free hosting.