What is the appeal in Damien Sandow?
People cheer for him constantly and honestly I can't see why.
People cheer for him constantly and honestly I can't see why.
Jim Crockett Promotions Fan
It takes a great amount of skill to mirror other Wrestlers in and out of the ring and play to the crowd at the same time. Moreover, Damien Sandow has intelligence, personality and is long overdue to be pushed by The WWE Booking Team. The Live Audience gets it, The WWE Booking Team doesn't.
Tip: If you expect to be taken seriously, don't have a troll face as your avatar. You're Welcome.
Damien Sandow has been over since debuting,
being as Sandow was a graduate from Killer Kowalski's pro wrestling school should be no surprise.
Notice , how Damien MIZDOW is the Underdog , in every one of his matches . No
matter , in singles competition , or defending the W. W. E. World Tag Team Titles .
He's the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses
Guy Gene
he was over when he was doing the Lanny Poffo gimmick 3 years ago, he was over when he was with Rhodes Scholars, he has charisma.