If the universe supposedly started with an explosion, what caused the explosion?

NOTHING, because there would be no universe if it weren't for God.


The Universe expanded suddenly from a Singularity.
Now THAT'S what I call an explosion!!
I study Space and Science, so I think the Singularity was held together by some kind of Equilibrium at first with immense gravity.
Like blowing up a balloon till it bursts though something must have been added, a stray particle, like the straw that broke the camel's back which tipped those finely balanced scales.
For Religion's sake, what was there before that?
For I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last. (Revelations Chapter 22 Verse 13)
As we look farther and farther into the heavens, there is plenty of room for God's work.

Common Sense2014-12-24T08:17:01Z

There was a time that people disbelieved that the land masses on earth were once joined. It was a theory and eventually, in the 1950's, it was proven that the land continents were once one land mass until earthquakes shifted land apart. It was scientifically proven through earth core samples and widely accepted.

Elements of the earth were strong enough to move whole continents across the ocean, where they are today. I doubt that God had anything to do with that. The universe has changed many, many times over and will continue to do so. This is recorded as more and more technology proves the evidence exists.

If you want to believe it all happened with God's hand, that is your choice.

IF the universe was created by an explosion, the logical cause would be nature...just like the division of the land which created the continents.


There was no explosion, just expansion. Anyways, just because nobody can truely, with certainty, answer why the universe suddenly just expanded, does not mean God did it. That's like a saying lightning is God's doing, because you do not understand how lightning discharge works.

While a logic-based persion will normally try to find the true answers and be open to anything, people like you would simply give up and claim God did it, because you are either too afraid that maybe the answers might demote you from being somewhat special in this universe to just nothing, or you are just plain lazy.

Jasmin Khalique2014-12-25T19:17:38Z

You proved your point, everything is a creation. Creations that are so spectacular that the minds of Atheist take advantage of definitely.
The world did most certainly not magically appear from an explosion or whatever bullsh*t.
Atheists clearly don't notice how rounded the 9 balls (Solar system) are or how living organisms live and how religion gave people understanding to why they have a life. We ourselves are created so immaculately, that no one can recreate, as all creations have been created by the one and only creator.
So how can an we start from an explosion and expect to live for no reason, when everything around us are unbelievably beautiful and all that was created as a waste.
People ask the typical question: Who made God?
Well we do think like humans, so it is unimaginablel to think that something wasn't created. This is because EVERYTHING was created by the Creator who was never created. God isn't a human, so stop thinking he is like one. We will never know because we haven't met him yet, but in shaa Allah

Alpha Beta2014-12-24T11:24:00Z

It did not start with an explosion but with an expansion. No one knows what started it. The big bang theory begins only at the point it started, not before. That's another set of theories that still must be developed and tested (which is going to be difficult).

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