Conspiracy theorists saying the two Slain NYPD were victims of a false flag operation or a sinister conspiracy.?

Here we go again with the Conspiracy theorists, this time they said the slain two NYPD offices were victims of a false flag to something sinster or Ismaaiyl Brinsley didn't acted alone. 9/11 Truthers to the garden variety conspiracy theorists to Alex Jones conspiracy. Here is the list of conspiracy theorists are saying

1) The Illuminati was behind the slaying
2) Ismaaily Brinsley was a Russian GRU or FSB agent that gone rouge and did Putin known about it or not? Or green light it?
3) It was an ISIS attack?
4) Ismaaily Brinsley was a test subject of MK Ultra or a rouge version of it?
5) Occupy Wall St. test run for insurrection?
6) Ferguson Action test run for insurrection?
7) Koch Brothers or George Soros rouge operation?
8) Tea Party test run
9) Elizabeth Warner's rough operation
many more

Do you think the Conspiracy theorist are right? or just attention seeking whores?


Why would international terrorists want two cops dead yet not claim responibity ?
ISIS in not shy about claiming responibity when they beheaded their hostages, so reason says they would not be shy about claiming responibity .
Most groups would consider slaying of two rank and file cops small potatoes.
They would ice someone in upper management, the public face of an organization for the max effect.
Koch is prison.


Conspiracy theorists are clueless small minded people, which believe all sort of rubbish with absolutely no proof, now that is so lame, right. The only one who seems like an attention seeking whore is probably you, sad right.


At this point I would not rule anything out. Neither were white men. This country has not changed.


oops NYPD Officers I meant


No they don't.
Nobody has said that.