Am I pmsing? Women only.?

Okay so I'm supposed to start my period in 5 days. It will be my second one so I obviously didn't know what it was like when I was pmsing before my first period because I didn't know I would be starting soon. I have been aggravated lately and I almost feel stressed. I get a lot more annoyed at my sisters. But other times Im really happy. I haven't had any cramps and I haven't really had any discharge lately. I feel really horny too. Like I either masturbate or want to masturbate every night for like the last three days. I think it's pms but I don't really know. Thanks for the help in advance.


yes - those are common PMS symptoms

Emotional Symptoms

•Anxiety—you worry so much about sleeping late and missing an exam that you lose sleep the night before
•Irritability—you snap at your friends for stupid things that usually wouldn’t bother you
•Fatigue—you’re tired—even in the middle of the day
•Depression—you feel sad a lot of the time
•Mood swings—you feel really happy, then really sad, and sometimes really angry, frequently within the same day or even the same hour
•Forgetfulness—you can’t remember simple things—like phone numbers
•Anger—you get mad a lot, and you can’t control it
•Difficulty concentrating—you can’t focus on homework or pay attention in conversations
•Tension—you’re nervous or you feel stressed
•Restlessness—you can’t keep still and feel "antsy"
•Over-sensitivity—your friends decide to go ice-skating and you "just know" that they really don’t want to you go, so you stay home by yourself
•Changes in sexual interest—you think about kissing and fooling around a lot more or a lot less than usual
•Low self-image and social withdrawal—you stay home instead of going out with friends because you have a new zit, or you just decided you don’t like any of your friends anymore
•Crying spells—you cry a lot without a reason, or for a tiny reason like hot chocolate that isn’t quite hot enough
•Decreased interest in usual activities—none of the things you like to do sound like fun anymore

Physical Symptoms

•Abdominal bloating—your pants size increases from 8 to 10 right before your period
•Breast swelling and tenderness—they feel puffy and maybe a little sore
•Swollen ankles or fingers from fluid retention—your shoes, gloves or rings feel tight and your ankles and hands look unusually puffy
•Increased appetite—you want to eat a lot more than usual
•Headache—you have unusually long-lasting headaches
•Weight gain—you gain a few pounds right before your period
•Acne—you have more pimples than usual
•Food cravings—you crave certain foods right before your period—chocolate, meat or salty foods are common
•Constipation—you have difficulty having a bowel movement
•Palpitations—you feel your heart flutter or race
•Upset stomach—you feel like you might throw up
•Joint aches—your knees, elbows, ankles and wrists ache even though you haven’t had an injury
•Muscle spasms—you have a muscle that twitches by itself
•Increased thirst—your mouth feels really dry a lot of the time
•Clumsiness—you bump into things a lot
•Changes in sleep habits—you sleep a lot, or you can’t go to sleep at night, or you wake up a lot during the night