My answers, when they include links, are consistently being filtered or reported. Can I request help with this?

I am active in providing nutrition information on the Vegetarian & Vegan forum. To back up my information, I include links to the websites of the American Heart Association, and similar mainstream groups. Because the questions here usually fall into one of 6 or 7 categories, I often repeat my answers. Nevertheless, I am not selling anything, or violating any Terms of Service. Can I request a review from Yahoo?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2014-12-31T07:35:32Z

You can, but it likely will not change things. Even links to legitimate sites can end up seeming to be spam if repeated too often, especially in a short period of time. You can appeal the reporting, of course, and probably should. But you may need to revamp your answers to generically point to a specific website without actually providing a link, like saying: The American Heart Association has an excellent site with answers about this problem. Another way to handle the situation is to post the links you provide most frequently on your ABOUT ME area and direct people to click on your avatar to find the links there.


When you answer a question you must actually answer what was asked not just direct users to another site with a link to get their answer so those type answers can get filtered or get you reported.

Looking at your answers there is one you answered that is not showing on the question but shows on your answer list and is an example of how Not to answer. "Is bob evans mac n cheese vegetarian? Does it contain rennet or any animal by products? Is the enzymes listed on it the microbial or rennet?" was the question and your answer was "You can contact the Bob Evans company by email. Here is a link:"
You got good answers before when you asked about your answers being hidden.

Again with this question you did not answer the question "How do I get enough protein on a vega diet?" Your answer was " You can find information about vegan muscle-building by going to the various vegan bodybuilding and vegan athletics websites. Here are some:"