Is this likely?
I got my first period December 6th. I used a period tracking app and I think it's accurate. I know you usually aren't regular for a few years but just listen. I drink the correct amount of water a day which is 64oz and I drink exactly that much sometimes more. I have a really balanced diet. I eat fruits and vegetables and take vitamins and I eat a lot of meat and dairy and wheat all in one day. My doctor said I am probably the healthiest kid he's ever seen. So I don't think I'm lacking vitamins. Anyways. The app said I was supposed to ovulate on December 20th. I had this really white and thick discharge on the nineteenth and some on the 20th and I havent had any discharge like that since. Here lately I feel as if I am pmsing but not like cramps and crying. Just little stuff. Do you think it's likely that my period will come on the second or third of January? Is it likely to be regular that soon? I just don't want to not get it then go back to school after break and bleed through my pants or something embaressing. If I'm almost absolutely positive I was ovulating that day.. Because Im sure I did.. Does that mean my period could come about on track too?