Are all of these theist vs atheist debates pointless?

Atheism is based on proof and theism is based on faith. Faith can not be proven or disproven. So there can never be a winner of the arguments.


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atheist annoy me


I don't see how in this day and age, so many people still believe in the primitive belief of religion. It's like people still believing the world is flat. It's like people still believing Zeus is up there and responsible for lightning bolts. I'd be willing to bet 1 million-to-one odds the bible is merely a story written by MAN rather than some supernatural guy in the sky.


Atheism is not "based on proof". You can't prove that God doesn't exist; it's just as much a matter of faith as theism is.


Very pointless and they go on forever until one side gets tired bc its nearly impossible to convince the other side to give up their beliefs or believe in something they don't want too. It's a waste of time really.

Redundant Pleonasm2015-01-04T11:39:37Z

Well, not really, there are some people who keep talking about it all the time, just imagine how bored they'd be without those debates.

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