My "friend" and I are silently fighting over a guy!?!?

So my "friend" (more of a friend of friend I hang out with) and I had liked the same guy for a while now. I knew she liked him (she is creepily obsessed in fact) but I couldn't help but get to know him and get super close. I think she's noticed I liked him by now. At this point it's pretty much a silent fight over this guy, we've haven't said it out loud, but things are pretty tense, especially when he's around.We're both all over him. He doesn't like her for a fact. (I'm friends with his friend who told me). What should I do?


Favorite Answer

Tell your friend that u are friends with this guys friend and that he told u that this guy does like her and she needs to move on with her life and find someone else in the sea there are lots of single hot guys out there for her she just have find one she really likes

