Is there a problem with GMail and/or Google logins today?

I ve had only intermittent access to GMail for a day and a half. It either times out or shows that Google has no current SSL access, and drops out without warning when I am able to get through. (Location: Arizona. I see no news entries for problems at the other end, and no other sites/services are affected at mine.


Favorite Answer

I have not had any problems with Gmail today. Nor has any of my co-workers.

I sometimes use this service to check on sites that are either up/down.


Beginning with Outlook 2007, you can choose a Sent folder for your IMAP accounts. While there is no problem using a folder on the IMAP server with most IMAP accounts, you DO NOT want to save a copy of sent items in the Gmail folders. Saving a copy in the Gmail folders will result in two copies of Sent Messages. If you use Gmail's SMTP server, Gmail will put a sent copy in the [Gmail]/Sent Mail folder automatically.


Thanks; that sounds very useful. Whatever is causing the problem, it's still there this morning. I tried a different computer; same result.