Is there anythign we can do about global warming. its like no one at the top cares?

just ridiculous


Yeah, I don't care either. Why? Do you know why you are talkign about "hottest year"? First, it is according to one database and not all databases. The satellite data does not have 2014 as the hottest year.

The reason is because the temperature is not increasing nearly at the rate they alarmists warned us about. That is why they have to talk about this year being the "hottest" year by about .01 degrees. They can't even say it is hotter than 1998 or 2005 because the amount is so small that it is well within measurement error.

They have literally been reduced from saying tha tthe temp are increasing by x amount over x amount of time, to saying 2014 is the hottest year. AND what they mean by that is since we have been collecting enough information to take a guess at the overall global temperature. The Earth has been much hotter in the past.

Now why I don't care... Because the warmers don't care. They so disbelieve the garbage that they spew, that many of them do not even support nuclear power. Lets take a look at some plausible solution, shall we?

Nuclear power - opposed by enviros
Hydropower - opposed by enviros
Geothermal power - opposed by enviros
Natural gas - opposed by enviros.

Why are enviros opposing the solution and only supporting a pathetic tax "solution".


DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE LIARS WHO SAY GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE THEY HAVE BEEN FOOLED BY THE GOVERNMENT! First of all, Raisin Cane has no sources linked to her "facts", so you can't trust what she is saying. Second of all, I have a theory about why our gov't doesn't care about the environment: it won't affect them. See, most of our Senators and Representatives are old. They won't live to see most of the consequences associated with their choices. They probably figure that whatever happens to the Earth won't happen in their lifetime. The less restrictions there are on the environment, the more resources there are. The more resources there are, the more money the gov't gets from the trade. The more money the gov't gets, the more it spends. The more money the gov't spends, the more our country's leaders get to waste on satisfying their stupid pleasures and maximizing their luxuries. Our gov't doesn't care about us. Environment is our 1st priority now, and we are just ignoring it. If we want change, we need to get rid of our corrupted Congress and make a new one. Don;t believe that bullsh*t about there being no hope for the environment; that's just the gov't trying to get more money by using lies. I believe in making a change. Our Congress must change or it will die and the next generation will spend its time cleaning up the environmental mess that that generation made.


Yeah, just embrace it. It is the cyclical nature of our planet and the reason that no one cares is because they really don't. There is also a huge agenda to push the green movement because it brings in money. Ask Al Gore how many millions he raked in and how much he has given back to research the issue. Ask any industry exec why is there designed obsolescence in their products. Everything we purchase took and release energy back into the atmosphere. But look at it this way. We need global warming, without it we would still be stuck in the ice age.


You do realize that the time frame that scientists use as the "average" temperature of the 1900's tends to be the coolest period of the 1900's. You also do understand that we have left a known cool period around the mid 1800's that most climate scientists also ignore. I could go on about how climate scientists have been cooking the books for decades including only recently adding ocean temperatures to the mix instead of having ocean temperatures be a separate report.


It's because they think that there are more important things. There are a few more important things, but global warming is also important and they should stop ignoring it. But that doesn't mean that you can't do anything. There are lots of websites about it online, so you can find easy ways to help.

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