Why do we never hear "black lives matter" (which they do) when a black kills a black?And why are there never any witnesses?


"Why do we never hear "black lives matter" (which they do) when a black kills a black?" Depending of where you live, and what news sources you watch or read, you do hear that. I've lived in the Washington D.C. area since 1978 and hear it in response to black on black violence quite often. As for witnesses to crimes, there often are but it's often kept quiet to the public for the witnesses safety.


Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood hated and despised blacks. Why don't we hear that the greatest proportion of killed babies are black. Here is a documentary on this.

Black Genocide
2 Hours of ruthless reporting

"Abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of". - Alveda King (niece of MLK, Jr.)

Arantheal  2015-01-24T08:25:15Z

Dude, the point of the slogan is obviously to draw attention to police abuse motivated by race. It's not trying to deny "black on black" violence happens too.


We never hear black lives matter except in reference to whites. They don't say it when they light a crack pipe or abuse their child.

james o2015-01-24T08:32:17Z

Well, you never hear about it because your news services never talk about it. I mean, DUH ! ! ! And yes, if anyone gets killed, the criminal justice program works to get a conviction.

I personally wish people read what they wrote a little more closely.

In my hometown, when a black person is killed, the police are just as diligent in bringing the killer to justice.

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