Who was the founder of Atheism?


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The 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher Diagoras is known as the "first atheist

Roberta B2015-02-02T10:46:20Z

The founder of Atheism is the first liar, Satan the Devil. John 8:44
Those who believe in atheism are believing a lie. Many atheists, including Dawkins, would rather believe that life got here by aliens, rather than a just and super-intelligent God to whom they are accountable.

The truth is that a God with this level of ability and power would also have a plan to correct the problems in this world, at the right time. And he does - that is what the Lord's Prayer is all about -- "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It is In Heaven"


Atheism was actually named for its founder, Craig Atheism


Everybody that existed prior to the inception of the concept of religion. Find the first recorded religion, and work from there. There have always been atheists.



No, wait, Epicurus. No, no, no....eh, I got nothing. I'll just say this: Atheists have always existed as long as religion has existed, nowadays, I think they are being more open about it then they had in the past.

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