Are guns getting too expensive or am I just getting too cheap?


Favorite Answer

Remember when gas was under a dollar and surplus M1 Carbines and 1911s were around $200? That's your problem (and mine). You have an image in your mind of what a dollar is supposed to be worth. It isn't anymore.

Robert B.2015-01-31T17:54:50Z

I have been able to buy some good rifles on sale and the price was reasonable. Pistols on the other hand haven gotten way too expensive over the last 6 years, ever since Obama became president.


Depending on what your using one for, and or the importance of the purchase. the price of a quality firearm is almost irrelevant. Find the best deal you can, and realize that, that's what everyone else is going to pay for it.
A can of Coca-Cola used to be 25 cents, now they're over a dollar, but we still buy them.


Two things: inflation and supply and demand.

If people stop buying there products because they are perceived as too expensive then the market will react with lowered prices.


I know the feeling. I think it comes with age.

Because guns are actually coming down in price.

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