When Hillary Clinton becomes president, will Republican Christians say she is the Anti-Christ?

even though Obama was supposed to have been the Anti-Christ? Can a woman be the anti-Christ? Maybe Republicans will be too chauvinistic to say Hillary is the Devil, because only a guy can be the devil. What do you think?

james o2015-01-31T22:59:03Z

Favorite Answer

Hillary has been accused of a lot of stuff, but this is the first time I've heard anyone try to play the antichrist card.

She's actually a very nice lady, according to people who have met her. Most of the comments I read from people who have met her are along the lines of they could not believe what a nice person she is.


I (not a Republican) can't fathom Hillary Clinton as President. I can't think of any Presidential candidate over the last 40 years that I would less like to see in the White House.

If it were between Obama and Clinton, I'd vote for Obama in a heartbeat. If it were between Bush Jr. and Clinton, I'd vote for Bush Jr. in a heartbeat. If it were between Billy Clinton and Hilly Clinton, I'd hesitate...for a moment, and then I'd vote for Billy.

In fact, I'd probably sooner vote for Billy Carter!

Even so: I'd never identify her as "the Antichrist".