Atheists: how would this work?

So hypothetically speaking, a gay man and a lesbian woman suddenly switched bodies (The man has the woman's body vice versa). And after realizing this, they still go out and have same gender sex...are they still gay or not?

The man who is now a woman is having sex with a man because naturally he would have sex with a man...

And the woman who is now a man is having sex with a woman.

Are they straight or gay?

I'm confused now :-S


Favorite Answer

Essentially they are still gay, the human soul would. Be still the same, the man would only be trapped in the women's body and vice versa. This would probably cause them to get depressed and hang theirselves.. but if not..

Do not forget a men and a women's way of having gay sex or straight sex is different.

So they would still be gay. Only you added some transgenderism into it..

But transgenders can be stuck in the wrong body but still enjoy "normal" sex too.

Confusing but not impossible think about it :p

Hope this helped a bit


And I take it you're asking an atheist's opinion because we're all brilliant, and experts on everything, am I right?

Sexuality =/= atheism.


I am christian but I think I feel qualified to say that a penis entering a vagina does not qualify as gay sex even if you did switch bodies.


Well no because if you switch bodies you switch genders so it's straight.


Good you idiots have anything better to do?