Quick Monologue Ideas ((With A Theme))?

Okay, so for my Drama class they want me to write a monologue that ties back to a theme. Except I missed the day it was due because I was sick, so she's expecting me to turn it in tomorrow. So if someone has any idea of a monologue that I can do that TIES BACK TO A UNIVERSAL THEME that'd be great!

example (that i can't use) : how you saw christmas as a kid vs. now. theme : your age changes your perspective.


Describe what your father has meant to you all your life, what he has done for you. Talk about him from the pedestal you placed him on as a child and compare that now to the relationship you have with him today, as an equal, or at least, a quasi-equal, and explain how you feel this relationship has matured and grown stronger or perhaps gotten weaker over time, whatever the case may be.