On Yahoo answers, why can I only see the questions asked in the last several hours? I used to be able to see questions asked days ago?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2015-02-03T17:48:50Z

Favorite Answer

There seems to be a new version rolling out where the endless scrolling is returning the "paging" method we used to have. The problem is, while some random users have the new paging version, that code seems to have broken the older endless scrolling. I've seen posted that staff is aware of this and working on it. Hopefully a fix is coming soon.


Yahoo has a newer format floating around that some have already and some don't.
It is back to pages on that new format not endless scrolling so with that being tested it could be messing up the scrolling on this format.
It has been like that for about a week now where we only see 20 questions..

Not sure if they can have it 2 different ways and it is odd that it doesn't happen on Discover or All Categories too.
Staff is aware of the problem and have said they are working on it so they may come up with a solution until we all have the newest format.
The problem is not browser related. I tried it on 3 different browsers and still the scrolling is messed up.