The seahawks didnt run the ball on the last play in. Anybody would have. I reid around that tom brady payed the QB millons too pass the ball instead of giving it too Beast mode. An that brady is about too retire is why they threw the game away. The hawks had it an do a stupied pass. It doesnt make since.
Professional Liar2015-02-05T10:26:14Z
It amazes me what people come up with on here. No, the Super Bowl wasn't rigged. And contrary to popular belief that Lynch should have gotten the ball and would have instantly scored, isn't true. 2nd and short in the NFL is consider a money down in which everything in the playbook is possible, run or pass. Another thing is that Seattle actually isn't that good running it in from the goal line. Lynch had only scored 5 times on 12 carries from the 1 yard line. So it was no guarantee. If anything, I think Seattle was of the thought that New England would sell out to stop a running play which is why they threw it. It just didn't work out. Had Seattle made the play, we would all be sitting here calling Carroll a genius for running that play instead of doing the obvious.
Nonsense. If you're going to rig a game, don't make it too obvious. If the final drive was rigged, a certain Seahawks WR (whose name escapes me at the moment) would've dropped the ball rather than make that absurd reception.
That Lynch didn't get the ball is proof of nothing. Lynch wasn't guaranteed to score. He'd been stopped for no gain twice earlier in the game. Maybe Carroll thought that, since everyone in the stadium was expecting him to call Run, then the call of Pass would have the element of surprise.
I read around that Elvis is still alive pumping gas in Memphis, so I know it's true. Where did you read about the Brady bribe so I can know it's true, too?