what is the difference between color blindness, multiculturalism, and post race?

Mr. Smartypants2015-02-07T12:52:27Z

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Color blindness in this context means that someone doesn't notice color at all. It's almost a lie because of course we all do notice race. Most of us try not to let it influence us, but with varying degrees of success.

Multiculturalism is the understanding that all races have the same rights, that racial diversity is a strength, not a weakness. The US is multicultural in that we share the cultures of other groups. Our own culture is made up of the cultures of all the peoples that came here from everywhere else. We borrow words from their languages, we borrow foods, aesthetic ideas, etc. We allow freedom of religion, etc. We even have laws against discrimination on cultural grounds. THAT is multiculturalism!

'Post race' is an ultimate goal to work towards, an ideal, but it's like the horizon in that you can see it, you can move towards it, but you can't get there. It means a time when race simply doesn't matter, when it isn't even noticed.


As an expurt I am often asked this question (Except for the Post Race which might be First past the post). There is a big difference of course. Colour blindness istypically associated with not being able to differentiate between red and green (Black is not a problem) and is only found in human males. Multiwotsit is a word invented by politicians who, under the thumb of big business brought in thousands of foreigners who would work for less than the indigenous worker, thereby destroying the standard of living and causing unreat and division.


Color blindness is a lie, multiculturalism is a nightmare, post race is a dream.


Color blindness:
"Real Life Idiocracy in America - The Obama Effect"


usually, spelling...LN has it quite right, actually!..I'd be a lying fool to claim I can't see the person to whom I'm speaking is black..but it doesn't matter to me!

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