how do you love someone who's emotionally abusive?


Favorite Answer

Pray and ask God to forgive them and bless them it will change them and you too.


It's true many people fall in love with someone who is abusive on some level. But a person who stays in a relationship with an abuser, obviously has some self-esteem issues and also some idea the abuser will change. An abusive person can change if he or she works at it and gets help, is consistent about changing their behavior, but most people do not do the work it takes to make life changes. Why? Because it's WORK and they are comfortable living in their "abusive place".


I don't. Someone who would treat me that way, doesn't deserve my love. This life is too short to put up with crap like that.


You don't you tolerate the person, you can not love someone who does not love you.


You don't.