I'm really afraid of having sex for the first time?

So I'm still a virgin, but I think I'm finally ready to have sex with my girlfriend. The thing is, I am absolutely terrified of becoming a father accidentaly. It haunts me at night, and has always lead me away from sex. But, I really just want to get it overwith. Is it normal to be like this? Literally, a week ago she dropped a 'pregnancy' joke on me and I didn't return to a normal breathing pattern for 2 hours.


Favorite Answer

Either don't have sex with her or be sure to use condoms right. That's all you can do.

Pauly W2015-02-13T11:05:57Z

Just make sure you wear use a condom when you do have sex so you don't have to worry about getting her pregnant.


Don't do it.


me too