How is the modulus (%) implemented in C++?

For various reasons, I've become quite curious about what the % operator does _internally_ in C++.

For instance, one could define N%k for 0 < k < N by repeated subtraction, as in

while(N >= k) {
N -= k;
return N;

but this would be very bad ( floor(N/k) steps is too much!! ).

Therefore, I was wondering:
How is the modulus (%) actually implemented in C++?
Is it dependent on the compiler or the system you're running on?
Is there any online documentation which answers this type of question? (I have similar questions about integer division, bitwise operators, comparison operators, etc.)


Alternatively, here is a more explicit question. Its answer should be fairly illustrative, with or without the previous answers...

Suppose N is some non-negative integer, stored as an unsigned int, or an unsigned long long, etc... What is the difference between
N % 4
N & 3


Since the only answer so far doesn't answer my intended question at all, it occurs to me that I may not have been clear enough.

I have absolutely no problem with using the % operator or understanding its _result_. My question is: How?

That is, when you use the operator %, what steps does the program do to find the result?


It definitely isn't by repeated subtraction, since then something like
N % 4
for a typical unsigned long long N would take absolutely forever (roughly O(N) ).

I suppose it could be something like repeated subtraction of left-shifted copies of 4 (which is O(log N), I think), but this is exactly what I'm asking:

What is the precise method used to find the modulus?


Favorite Answer

How is the modulus (%) actually implemented in C++?

    If I were to hazard a guess I would imagine it relies on the DIV Assembly command
    which stores the remainder in the AH, DX, or EDX register depending on the size of
    the values being divided; a BYTE, WORD, or DWORD.

    So what does all this mean?

        A computer uses machine code to run every single command that the CPU uses
        to do it's magic; it's fairly unintelligible though. Just above machine code is
        assembly language which is a low-level programming language that directly
        translates to machine code sans all the semantic names. A compiler such
        as C++ converts the code you type into machine code.

            MOV dl, 'a'; ' Move character 'a' into DL register.
            MOV ah, 2h; ' 2h is the command to print DL to the screen.
                              ' AH is where commands can be placeD.
            int 21h; ' Execute the command in AH.

            ' This prints out the letter 'a' to the display.

        DIV is an assembly instruction. It tells the processor to divide the contents of one
        register by the contents of another register. This is as low-level as you can get
        without designing the logic gates in a chip. DIV works differently based on the
        size of the integers you want to divide. There are essentially three different sizes
        of data that it can take as input; a byte, a word, and a double word. A byte is
        16-bits long, a word is 32-bits long, and a double word is 64-bits long. The size
        of a register is dependent on the "size" of the CPU. A 32-bit CPU will have registers
        that are 32 bits. A true 64-bit processor will have 64-bit registers.

        Now each register has a name and is broken down into 8 bits. One register name
        is AX which is 16 bits long. It has an upper and lower 8 bit register called AH and AL.
        Above AX is EAX which is 32 bits long and on 64-bit CPU's you have a 64-bit register
        which would be called RAX. There are other registers so don't get stuck on the
        example I used.

        Each register has a purpose. Some store data, some store commands, some store
        the resulting data from the execution of those commands. You can cause some
        serious damage to your computer if make a mistake at this level. There is no error

Is it dependent on the compiler or the system you're running on?

    The registers that store the remainder would most certainly be different for big- and
    little-endian systems.

        You can Google the differences.

Is there any online documentation which answers this type of question? (I have similar questions about integer division, bitwise operators, comparison operators, etc.)


        assembly <keyword>

    and you should get plenty of hits that adequately explain their implementations.

Suppose N is some non-negative integer, stored as an unsigned int, or an unsigned long long, etc... What is the difference between
    N % 4
    N & 3

    The latter method only works for finding the remainder when the divisor is of the form 2ᴺ.

    The latter method is significantly more efficient in Assembly but only with the aforementioned

        Every piece of code you write has a cost to it. That cost is running time. The longer the
        running time the longer it takes for your code to run. The DIV assembly instruction is a
        relatively costly instruction to run. It takes several cycles of the processor to calculate
        the results and place those results into the registers.

        The modulo operator (%) likely uses the DIV assembly instruction to calculate the
        remainder so it has a moderately high cost in running time compared to an AND
        instruction which may take only two or three cycles.

Richard J2015-02-14T00:02:31Z

The modulus operator is used to determine the remainder of a number divided by another number.

4 % 2 = 0
If an int has no remainder then it is divisible by the number. Any number divisible by 2 is an even number.

Suppose you want to print a newline in for loop at every fifth number for a chart or something. You'd say

if (I % 5 == 0){ cout << "\n"; }
at the end of the statements in the loop.

You can also use it to find prime numbers or make designs with nested for loops.

When you have any problem with an outcome that changes based on factors of a number it comes in use.